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Visible Voices is a project championing the creativity of d/Deaf and disabled members of our community.

Working alongside local charities and community groups, our accessible creative workshops enable our participants to take the lead in an inclusive and safe space. Our project gives participants the space and time to experience a wide variety of mediums of creative expression, through first-hand experiences of producing creative work, participants will have the opportunity to develop skills including technical skills such as sewing and printmaking.


During this project we will be exploring and enriching our connections to our city and lived environments, participants will take the lead pursuing their interests and creative mediums that resonate with them. Building a sense of individual style through their creative self-expression and a toolkit of skills to help tackle the stressors of modern-day life.


Stay tuned for updates as the journey progresses.


Kindly funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council’s Equality and Diversity Fund.

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